Sunday, September 16, 2007

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

On the way to the Okanagan, we stopped in Lake Louise for a little break. The view was breathtaking when we arrived, with lowlying clouds over the lake and a sunny break right over the mountain in the middle. It cleared while we were there, which afforded us yet another great view!

I've posted a couple of pics from our stop in Lake Louise as well as a few more photos from other parts of our trip.

At Silver Sage Winery, they had a huge patio that Claire loved to skip around on. I love the pic where Claire is nearly airborne. The wind was wild that day, as you can probably tell from Claire's hair in the other photo.


Beth said...

I've been anxiously awaiting the trip news and photos, so I'm a happy girl tonight! I can't even pick a fav they're all so great. I see in the photos that Claire is changing too - all those baby faces seem to be quickly becoming the faces of little girls. Too quickly, too quickly! It looks like you had amazing weather. I'd love to know what she was telling that dog!? Glad you're home safe and sound. We'll have to talk and meet soon.

Monica said...

Claire repeatedly said, "Hi!!!" to the dog at the winery. It was pretty funny the way she bent forward to say hello.

Rae said...

I've been waiting for these photos since I heard you were going on vacation! As usual, your pix are all great. Like Beth I have problems picking a favorite, though I really like the one of Claire picking grapes (even though you can't see her pretty face).

I love her little bikini and must ask if she has any problems walking in her Dawgs (Crocs)? I've been tempted to get a pair for Bryn but I've been wondering how they are for the little ones to walk in.

Glad you had a happy holiday and what great luck you had with the weather...we haven't been that fortunate here!

Shea said...

Beautiful pictures. I love the photos with the breathtaking scenery in the background. It looks like a relaxing trip, the kind where you don't check your watch very often. The best kind to have! I'm glad you enjoyed some time at the beach now that summer is drawing to a close.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Monica! What an awesome always do such a great job of capturing it all in pictures.

I love Claire's swimsuit. She's such a fashionable girl.

Isn't it fun to enjoy things, new and old, with our girls in tow?

Glad your back. We missed you!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Sorry, that should be "you're back". eek.

Monica said...

Those dawg shoes were one of my best purchases ever! Claire had no trouble walking in them, and in fact, seemed to like the different feeling. They were amazing beach shoes to have with us!

(Plus, I still can't believe I found some in her size - they are usually too big!)

Kim said...

Amazing pictures...
I love the picture where Claire is standing there and the clouds are right above her head...
How beautiful....
Looks like an amazing trip..
Take care

Kath said...

Amazing! Your photos are always so beautiful. It sounds like you had a great trip. Claire is such a fun loving little girl. Wouldn't it be great to know what is going on their little heads?

I've been looking for Crocs for Maeve, but can never find them small enough. Maeve's little cousins have them and love them. However, I noticed that the kids at daycare with crocs always have at least one shoe missing. The caregivers said that they seem to fall off a lot and don't recommend them for a daycare setting.