Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A city girl

I grew up in smalltown Saskatchewan and loved it. I had a lot of freedom, and I enjoyed exploring the big outdoors (first a farm and then a small town) and playing made-up games. With five brothers, four of which are older than me, I wore a lot of hand-me-downs that were mostly boy clothes. I also have a big sister, so thankfully there were also some girl clothes in the mix.

On the surface, Claire's childhood will look a lot different from mine. She lives in a big city where we take regular trips to the zoo, museums, playgrounds and malls (the latter being my weakness). Claire's mom is a shopaholic who loves pretty outfits complete with all the accessories. She doesn't have a house full of siblings.

Beneath the surface, though, I hope Claire's childhood will resemble mine and Paul's. A childhood where imagination occupies her more than fancy toys, family is of the highest priority, close friendships are made, books feature more heavily than T.V. (I'm working on setting a good example!) and kindness is a virtue. These are just a few of the important things. So, while I marvel or shake my head at the different ways in which Claire will be raised from me, I'll strive for similarities with the childhoods Paul and I experienced for the really important things.

Paul and his brother Dorian in a B.C. orchard. Paul's on the left.

Me, my brother Geoff and my sister Stephanie fishing and washing our babies (all in the same water, apparently). I'm the kid on the left in the orange pants.


Beth said...

Oh my, those are great shots of Claire! Can I ask where that was, it's a great venue, might have to steal it. I usually do fall shots at the offleash near us, but I like the idea of the city in the bkgrnd.
Paul was a blond?
Now that we're back to a normal schedule we'll have to make a date to play.

Shea said...

Beautiful photos! I understand your thoughts because I too grew up on a farm, and I wouldn't trade that for the world. I've been thinking a lot about the kind of experiences I want Caia to have in a city, and finding a balance in life. I appreciated your thoughts.

Kim said...

Love the pictures...
The little outfit is tooo cute..