Friday, September 28, 2007

Little Red Riding Hood

If you haven't noticed already, I like shopping. A lot. And I like taking pictures of my cutie in her outfits. Hard not to notice that, huh? Anyway, I thank you all for your patience with my hobbies!

Today, Claire is modelling a red cape, reminiscent of Little Red Riding Hood. What better prop (or more cheeky) than a stuffed toy dog that resembles a wolf? In all but one pic, the 'wolf' isn't visible but you can see from Claire's expression that she sees it! In the pic where the wolf is actually visible, Claire shows him who's boss. (That particular photo is a bit out of focus but I just love Claire's expression!)


Beth said...

OH my goodness! Someday how are you going to decide what to keep as keepsake clothes???? You'll never be able to part with any of it. Yesterday I felt like you - still looking for black pants for Helena and we went to Children's Place. BIG mistake!! Left with matching skirts and shirts and another set of matching shirts ++++. It was so reasonable though, I didn't feel too bad. When we get another sunny day, I hope to do the same with my two at the offleash area. I hope there is another sunny day??:)
Claire really looks stunning in red I must say.

Rae said...

I'm wondering the same as Beth -- how will you decide what to keep?! I'm also wondering where you find all of the adorable outfits for Claire. She looks so cute as Little Red Riding Hood! Maybe it could double as her Halloween costume.

The Children's Place is one of my favorite hangouts. Lucky you guys to actually have a CP Outlet in Edmonton!

By the way Beth, what type of leash do you use for your girls? ;-)

Shea said...

Red is a gorgeous colour on Claire. You've taken many beautiful photos of Claire. She always seems to be such a good sport in them. As for keepsake clothes, don't we just keep them all??? No way I'll be able to part with anything, at this rate.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Love those great pics! I must say, I too am trying to figure out what clothes to seems every time K grows out of something, I want to tuck it away because it was "one of her first outfits..." guess I can't do that with them all. The ones that she wore in China, however are all put away. So much emotion just looking at some of those "little" clothes.

I love the last picture of Claire with her "growly" face!

Kim said...

Love the pictures...
Claire is tooo cute for words...
Love the outfit..
She is always dressed for success..

Monica said...

My rationale is that if I have pictures of Claire in all her clothes, I won't need to keep each and every outfit. Yeah, right!

I know it'll be so hard to part with certain items. I'll try to be ruthless, just keeping a few "first" things (first jeans) and a few special items in case she has a daughter some day.

As for where I shop, Gymboree is one of my favourites. The colours are gorgeous and the clothes wear really well. The outfit in this post is from there, as well as her outfit in the Grape Escape post.