Sunday, July 08, 2007

She starts out with gusto, and then ...

We've finally been given the greenlight from the dietician to feed Claire more solids after months of having to feed her primarily formula and fortified cereal (not that I managed to get much of the latter into her), solids second. Here are some pics from our meal tonight.

Claire adores corn on the cob but really has to attack it to get any kernals. (To my friend Shea who just posted pics of Caia eating corn, I'm sorry to be a copycat! I just couldn't resist!)

Claire loved Paul's latest rib recipe but felt a little hard-done by, I think, because we gave her a rib that was pretty much picked clean. (She had small pieces of meat to pick off her plate instead.)

Moments later, Claire nearly collapsed from exhaustion. This eating is fun but a lot of work!


Shea said...

Wow! For a girl who's just started eating solids, I'd say she's eating top-notch food! I never thought they'd enjoy corn on the cob as much as they do, but we know they have enough teeth to handle the job! I love seeing those little hands holding onto the cob for dear life. Caia loves ribs so much that my dad buys what I refer to as "brontosaurus" ribs. No wonder she loves grandpa so much.

Monica said...

I've been feeding her solids for a couple of months now (instead of her fortified cereal) but she's getting way more now than ever before. Before, she was never overly hungry for solids after having the requisite amount of formula a day but now that I can favour solids over formula, she definitely has the appetite for them!

Kim said...

WOW... looks like she can eat...
She got so tired from eating so much..
Have a Great Day..

Rae said...

I love these photos. I must say though, I'm a bit of a chicken when it comes to feeding Bryn some of these things! I'm always so afraid she'll choke. She's been eating solids for months but I never thought to give her corn on the cob. I guess I'd better stop depriving her of such things, both Claire and Caia looked like they were having tons of fun and enjoying it so much!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Ribs and corn on the cob sounds good to me! Great job Claire! Kennedy pretty much eats what we do now also...her favorite food is meat of ANY kind.

Poor little Claire...exhausted from her big meal. Nothing like a nap on a full belly!

Beth said...

Sounds like quite the menu over there! You go Claire! Have you tried salami? Ava is crazy about it, but I'm sure it has a month's worth of salt in a couple pieces! We have to tell her there is no more to calm her down. She does like meat the best though and loves her grapes. Not really crazy about many veggies, though.
Bon appetit!

Kath said...

You go girl! What a great eater. I wish Maeve's teeth would come in so that we could try some of these foods out on her. She still only has two on the bottom, but the two top ones are starting to cut through now.

We have that same alien bib for Maeve. I thought it was appropriate since her dad's a scifi writer.

Kathleen (aka Kitty)