Tuesday, July 31, 2007

An evening with Ava and her parents

We had a wonderful evening last night at James and Beth's house. Part of our plan for the evening was to photograph our two girls together wearing their identical dresses and shoes (we happened to discover they had the same outfit by looking at each other's blogs.)

Our original plan was to take lovely pictures of them in front of a hedge but being little girls, they weren't happy to stand and pose. The alternative, to let them play and have fun, was much better! The first pic shows Ava playing peekaboo with Claire from the top of her playcentre.

I have no idea what they were thinking in the following two pictures but it could have been along the lines of the following:

Ava: Hey, we're wearing the same dress! How wierd is that?!
Claire: Are you sure? (Looking skeptical)

Ava: Yeah! Look, they're the same colour and they even have the same little ribbons and bows!
Claire: Hmmm. Maybe you're right!

It was only when I got home and looked through the photos that I realized I neglected to take any photos of Beth and James! (I had intended to take their photo!) Oh well, we'll have to do that next time when Helena is home as well.

Thanks again for a wonderful evening, Beth and James!


Beth said...

Monica, those are great photos! What Monica neglected to mention was that Ava wasn't nearly as careful as the second photo suggests - seconds later she was pulling Claire up by the dress - and none to gently! I suppose if anything Ava will give Claire a reason to learn to stand up for herself:) We had fun watching the girls too, and of course visiting with the two of you.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Great photos, Monica! And great captions too! The girls are adorable together wearing the same dresses. Catherine and I plan to dress our girls the same when we get their photo done...not sure when.
As always, so nice to see the girls visiting with each other...

Rae said...

Oh my gosh, they even have matching shoes! They look so cute together. And they look like they really enjoy being together, too!

I guess Shea and I should follow suit and get our girls together for a matching outfit photo. Shea, are you up for a shopping trip?

Shea said...

Rae, I'm always up for a shopping trip!! No excuse needed, although this is a great excuse.

Claire and Ava look adorable in their dresses. I can only imagine what they were thinking. I can understand your vision of a great photo, versus the reality with two toddlers. They never stand still! But I love the photos you did get.

Karla said...

So fun to see these girls connect, grow and thrive. Will look forward to seeing you all tomorrow....
really is a miracle we have our girls.