Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My day

Claire here. Mama is not hovering over me for once so I'm finally getting a chance to write on my blog. Since some of my friends' moms have shared what a typical day is like for them, I thought I'd do the same about me.

I usually sleep until about 8:30. I always hear Mama tell people how great that is, 'cause she's a "big sleeper" too. Sometimes I sleep in until 9:30 or so, but that last hour of sleep isn't always so great: often Mama tries to wake me up but I do my best to ignore her.

About a week ago, Mama finally started to feed me more food other than formula. That means that my first meal of the day now consists of toast, yogurt, eggs, tomatoes, fruit and one of my favourites, grilled cheese sandwiches (not all at the same time, of course!). Before that, my first meal would be a bottle but now I usually get one when I'm all done with the good stuff. I tell Mama I'm done by holding up my hands and saying, "All dee".

After we eat and get cleaned up, I play for a couple of hours, either in the house, outside in the yard or at a nearby playground. For lunch, I eat whatever Mama eats. I really like meat and potatoes, especially Grandma's porcupine meatballs. Corn is another big favourite of mine! I also like peas, carrots and broccoli: basically anything that is colourful except for sweet potatoes.

I usually get another bottle (or the remainder of my breakfast bottle) after lunch. I then nap for about an hour and a half to two hours.

After I wake up, we play some more or else we go somewhere in the car where I get to listen to Johnny Cash and June Carter. They sure are funny! Sometimes we go to the grocery store and sometimes we go to the mall where Mama loves to go into every single kids' clothing store. You'd think she'd get bored like me, but nope. I show my boredom by slouching down real low and putting my legs up on the rail-thingy on my stroller. Sometimes we go to the zoo or Fort Edmonton Park where I get to see all sorts of cool things. And sometimes we go visit friends, which I really like because the attention is all on yours truly!

When Daddy is supposed to come home, we wait upstairs for him because he can't wait to see me at the door. I put on a big show for him. I pretend that I'm a bird and flap, flap, flap my arms like crazy.
For dinner, I eat whatever Mama and Daddy are having although sometimes Mama has this funny rabbit-food (that's what she calls it anyway) which she doesn't share with me. How rude. I don't care for rice or noodles much. After dinner, we hang out and play. I really like the evenings because Daddy is home to play with me. He's so funny that he makes me giggle and giggle.

I usually get tucked in for sleep around 9:30. I like to wake up an hour or two later just to keep Mama on her toes. She then brings me to bed where I like to eventually work my way into sleeping sideways between Mama and Daddy until they barely have any room left. I think Daddy will be the first one to fall off the bed but who knows?!

Throughout the day, I get fed a lot: pretty much whenever I do the special sign for eat. Snacks usually consist of cheese, yogurt, fruit, crackers, bread or ice cream.

I say lots and lots of words but for some reason, Mama and Daddy only recognize these ones: Mama, Daddy, kitty, puppy, baby, up, pretty, hat, hot, all done, all gone, uh oh, hi, bye, bib, book , there and cookie. I say many of those words just like Mama and Daddy, but some I pronounce in a more evolved way. I sign "eat" a lot and sometimes "more", "please" and "thank you" when I feel like it.

I have nine teeth and am cutting my tenth right now. I now weigh 15 lbs and 12 oz and am 27 1/2 inches. I'm very petite and cute, if I do say so myself!

I tried to take a picture of myself but I guess my arm is not long enough because I ended up with a close-up of my nose. In lieu of new pictures, I'm posting some old ones taken of me in China on February 11 (five months ago tomorrow!).


Kim said...

Claire- you are amazing.. I know your mommy and daddy just adore you... You seem to be very good..you are not giving mommy and daddy any problems.. GOOD GIRL...Well I know you will grow up to be whatever you choose to be.. you are amazing.. Keep smiling.. you have the cutest little smile..

Rae said...

Well, not only are you petite and cute, you're very smart!
It sounds like you have a very full day and your mom keeps you busy with all sorts of fun stuff. It's good to hear you're eating more now...with all those teeth you must be able to eat just about anything!
Make sure to write again next time your mom isn't hovering. Does that happen very often? ;-)

Kath said...

Sounds like life is pretty good out west Clarie. What a great eater and sleeper you are.
I hope Maeve gets a few more teeth soon so that she can eat as varied a menu as you do.
We're blessed to have such angels in our lives.
Big kisses for the Fordes!

Cindy said...

I just discovered your blog today after a google search for Xinyu. We just received a referral for a girl from Xinyu this week and have decided to name her Claire also! I look forward to reading more about your experiences. Thanks for sharing. She is just beautiful.

Beth said...

I loved reading about your days Claire. They sound quite a lot like mine. I'm with you on the sweet potatoes..yuck. I love getting bigger, don't you? My Mama and Daddy let me feed myself and I love using my fork and spoon - it's very tough work, though, isn't it. It sometimes takes me a long time to eat it all up. Thanks for being my good friend Claire.
Love Ava

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Monica, I was soooo excited to see Claire's pictures from China. They turned out just beautiful!

Claire, it sounds like you're doing just great out there in the west! I wish I could come and play with you...I did give you big kisses through the computer though:) Love your Xinyu sister, Kennedy