Tuesday, June 05, 2007

You've come a long way, baby

It's been four months since we received Claire and I continue to marvel at the little girl she has become in such a short time. I think some of her growth was catch-up development and some is simply regular progress.

It's amazing to think that only four months ago, this 15 and a half pound crawling, cruising, talking, kissing, giggling child:

  • didn't like being on her back (which made diaper-changing very challenging);
  • didn't like being on her stomach;
  • wasn't used to baths;
  • had not an ounce of fat on her;
  • did not seem to like having books read to her;
  • couldn't pick up a cheerio;
  • couldn't hold her bottle;
  • had a vocabularly consisting of Mama, Baba and Dadda;
  • didn't know how to kiss yet;
  • didn't have enough hair for barrettes; and
  • didn't know yet how crazy we are about her.

There are countless changes of course, but these are the ones that spring to mind. I'm sure my travel-mates all have similar thoughts and their own list of changes. I'd love to hear them!

One of Claire's latest things is to motion for us to read books to her. Yay, she loves books! She especially loves books if the book features a puppy, a kitty, a baby or a hat (some of the words she can say).

Another fairly new thing is to say "all gone" or "all done" while holding up empty hands (like in the last picture in the last post). The "gone" and "done" don't come out perfectly but you can catch her drift.

She's also starting to know what animals make what sounds. She sounds pretty funny when she makes horsie, cow, puppy, dragon (yes, dragon) and sheep sounds. Although she mixes them up quite often, we still find it really exciting that she's trying the sounds out. She makes a pretty good car sound too.

I wonder what she'll be doing in another four months ...

Afterthought: I just re-read this post and realized that my statements about Claire in February may sound negative. I wrote them in the negative for comparison purposes only; I was proud of everything she did at that stage too!


Beth said...

Isn't it grand what little ladies they have turned into! I always see Claire as a little princess (that's meant in a cute, regal way). Ava could be her bodyguard! I'd have to think about that list. Frankly I think she is the same little firecracker we saw from about day 4 - only magnified 10x and a lot faster! There are tons of changes, though, you're right - and it changes by the minute.
Happy 4 months (did that fly by or what?)

Rae said...

Isnt' it amazing how much they've grown and blossomed over the past 4 months? Like you, we marvel at the changes in Bryn in such a short time.

We can't wait to hear all of Claire's animal noises (especially the dragon!) when you come to Saskatoon!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

yes, we feel the same way. When I think back, I realize how timid and scared Kennedy was during that period in China. I don't think I saw it that way at the time.

The changes over 4 months are simply amazing. Like you, I can't wait to see what all these kiddos are doing in 4 MORE months!!

Gigglestuff said...

Awesome stuff to hear about. It IS amazing that she has grown and learned so much. Such a pleasure to see you enjoying Claire so much, and that she is probably doing so well bcs of the love, patience and attention she's getting! Way to go Monica and Paul!!! And she's probably eating some kick-ass food too -- that's helping her grow!!!

Shea said...

We all have toddlers now, not babies, and that seemed to happen overnight. I'm so proud of the way we've all adjusted as families. Hard to believe we've only been together for 4 months.

I know what you mean about the things she could/couldn't do in China. I think the same way with Caia. Caia couldn't sit up 4 months ago, and I don't mean that as a slight to her foster family in China. But I'm amazed by how quickly they've progressed since they've been home.