Friday, June 01, 2007

Enjoying the city

We've kept busy this week going to facilities in the city like a conservatory and the zoo, as well as a children's festival in the community just north of us.

I'm adjusting our routine somewhat because Claire is now taking a 1 and a half hour to 2 hour nap around noon (if "conditions" allow) instead of two short naps. The conditions are basically that we can't be out and about around noon hour. If we are, she just catches a short nap in the car and then needs another later. As a result, I'm trying to stay home at the opportune time. I love it actually, because I can now have a good chunk of time to myself (more than a 20 - 40 minute break as before).

I've posted a few pics from our week. The ones of Claire in the polka-dot top were taken at the conservatory in the wedding-themed show pavillion; the ones of Claire in the hat were taken yesterday during the children's festival.


Rae said...

I especially love the photo of her on the park bench. What a beauty!
And I know what you mean about loving nap time. As much as I adore spending my days with Bryn, nap times give me a chance to catch up on things!
See you soon!!!

Beth said...

That last photo just melts my heart. She looks so good in hats. Mine won't leave them on. We're having nap issues again! Perhaps we should try one big one again. Who can tell??
Claire has the cutest outfits! They suit her cute little self.

Monica said...

And I get great value out of her clothing! She still wears size 3 - 6 months (with no sign of growing out of them) and I've even had to fashion a couple of belts to keep her pants / shorts up!

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Pink and brown...our favorite! Claire is indeed a beauty. Nice to hear you are getting out's so nice to get out and about isn't it?

Shea said...

I'm happy to hear that Claire is having a longer nap now. Caia has one long nap a day, and I can get a lot accomplished.

Claire's hats are really cute. I'm glad she keeps them on her head. Looks like great weather for your outings.

Rae said...

Two words; She's beautiful.

Bryn's dad