Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Saskatoon visit, part two: a fantastic Father's Day for Paul

We celebrated Father's Day in Saskatoon with Paul's parents, which I think he really enjoyed. I'm kicking myself, though, because I didn't get a special picture of Claire with Paul and his dad. I'll be sure to remedy this on the weekend coming up when we see Paul's parents again for Claire's baptism here in town.

Paul's favourite memory of Father's Day is watching car racing with Claire. She sat so intently in front of the TV and made loud racing sounds which everyone heard and laughed about.
That evening, we all laughed as we saw her tease her Grandpa. It was clear she wanted the remote control he was holding but we didn't anticipate how she'd get it. She walked up to Grandpa, handed him Bei Bei (one of the Beijing Olympic mascots) and just as he reached out to pick Claire up for a cuddle, she swiped the remote and motored away with a smug look on her face. What a stinker.

I love these photos of Paul with his little girl. Happy Father's Day, geezer.

1 comment:

Shea said...

Great pictures of Paul and Claire. What a pair! How appropriate that Paul was able to enjoy Father's Day as a son and a father.