Friday, March 16, 2007

Flo rules!

Last week, our pediatrician ordered a bunch of blood tests for Claire. Claire was still happy after her doctor's appointment, so we headed straight to the hospital lab. I was a little nervous about how Claire would react but whoa, I had no idea!

It was absolutely horrible. Despite the friendly nurses being as gentle as possible, Claire started to howl as soon as they started feeling her arms trying to find the best vein. It only got worse from there. They thought they found a good vein so away they went. Five minutes later, all they had was a drop or two - not even enough for one test. I guess her veins are so tiny that they had a really hard time. They switched arms to continue what was obviously torture in Claire's eyes. Again, no luck. In the end, they said that I'd have to come back with Claire another day. Great. As I stood up with Claire in my arms, I suddenly felt woozy. Uh oh. I meekly said, "I think I feel sick", and the nurses made me sick down and drink grape juice. And they thought Claire was a baby!

Yesterday, we tried another lab after I made some calls. Although the Stollery Children's Hospital was highly recommended, they don't take appointments (it's just drop in) so I went to Meadowlark instead after speaking with one of their nurses. You wouldn't believe how great they all were! All of the women were fabulous but it was Flo who had the magic touch! (Could she be any more aptly named?!) Although Claire again felt she was being tortured, I was relieved that they were able to draw all the blood needed for the many tests. And only one bite into her Baby Mum-Mum later, Claire seemed to have forgotten it all.

Today, we went to our first International Adoption Families Association playgroup. I knew a couple of the other moms from previous IAFA events, but this was the first time we all had our daughters. It was great seeing the moms again and meeting their girls at last! It was wonderful to meet the other families as well.

Oh - I almost forgot to report what may be insignificant for anyone but us, but Claire slept all night in her crib last night! This is the first time since China that she's spent all night in her crib. She fell asleep in Daddy's arms last night around 9:30 and he tucked her into her crib shortly after. We didn't hear a peep from her until after 8 this morning. Yay Claire!

Here's another pigtail photo from last weekend. I think Claire looks like a bunny in this one.

1 comment:

Rae said...

Poor Claire! Thank goodness for Baby Mum Mums (and Flo).

I'll have to ask Claire to talk to Bryn and give her a few tips on how to sleep through the night...good for her!

We hope to see you guys when you're in Saskatoon. Hugs to all.