Friday, February 22, 2008

Pretty dress parade

Each night for dinner, Claire would get all gussied up in a pretty dress. Some of these were shower gifts that Claire now fits into while others are ones I simply couldn't resist buying.

Needless to say, beautiful Claire received a lot of attention at the resort. And like every true celebrity, she was surrounded by paparazzi (well, make that paparazzo - moi!).


Kim said...

Claire is beautiful...
LOVE all the dresses...
Looks like she is having fun...

Rae said...

Welcome back! It sounds like you had a great time and Claire looks like she had a blast. The photos are great, I especially love the action shots of her running toward you.

I can't help but notice Claire had a different bathing suit on for each photo! ;) She sure is a fashion plate! And such pretty dresses, too.

Glad you had a super holiday and thanks for posting these so soon.

Shea said...

I want to go to Cuba now!!

What a great trip. Claire must have had the biggest suitcase! Good thing her little summer clothes take up little space. Did you buy any clothes there? My sister brought Caia an adorable pair of sandals from Mexico, but Caia's foot was too, uh, plump, to fit through the band.