Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Our first anniversary of Forever Family Day

Today is our one-year anniversary of becoming a family. And what a year it has been! We eagerly took our precious girl in our arms a year ago, and over the following days, then weeks, and then months, we delighted in each new glimpse into her personality. Having known Claire for a year now, we can see that our initial impressions of Claire were accurate; she is an affectionate, wise, gentle, witty kid who fills our hearts with love and our days with laughter. Paul and I feel unbelievably lucky to be her parents.

As we celebrate Forever Family Day with Claire, our thoughts are also with our travel-mates who share this anniversary with us. Happy Forever Family Day to all of you! Please give your girls a big hug and a kiss from us please!


Kim said...

Happy 1 Year...
What an amazing time I have had reading about your journey..
I LOVE watching Claire grow..
She is sooo pretty , smart and a joy to see in every post...
Hugs to you all..

Rae said...

Happy 1 year anniversary of the best day of your life! We're so grateful to have shared such an experience with you and grateful to have been a part of your lives for the past year.

Hugs and love to you guysl and an extra big hug to Claire on this special day!

Rae, Girard and Bryn

Shea said...

Happy Family Day to you! So many memories...It's difficult to put our experiences into words. One of the funniest memories I have is riding the elevator with Paul MANY times on Gotcha Night to retrieve yet another piece of paperwork from our hotel rooms. I loved our breakfasts together, when we could compare notes on how the night had gone. Oh I miss those days.

We're extra fortunate to be able to see you in person a few times a year. That means a lot to us. I know there will be a lifelong red thread from our house to yours.

Love Shea and Caia

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hugs and Kisses right back to you all!

We're so lucky to have shared those special moments with each other.

It's a delight to get to know Claire through your blogposts. Can't wait to see what year two brings.

Much love.

Kath said...

Happy Anniversary!

What a wonderful year we've all had. We're so grateful to be able to share in your journey through this window into Claire's world.

I hope all the girls can get together in person some day soon.

Love to you all,
Kath, Pat & Maeve

Beth said...

Sorry I'm late chiming in...not enough hours in a day! What a pleasure it has been to watch you grow into such a lovely little girl. I love your descriptions of miss Claire Monica. the videos show her wit!
So grateful to have shared this experience with all of you!