Friday, October 26, 2007

Kindermusik and beefdip

We're currently enrolled in Claire's third Kindermusik class (this one is the longest yet at 14 weeks), and she continues to love it like crazy. I have to confess that I love it too to see Claire in an environment where she really thrives. At other places like the playground or various playgroups, she often hangs back and is more tentative. However, at Kindermusik, she is the highly engaged child we see at home. She loves doing the motions along with the songs and often does the moves ahead of the lyrics. Here she is doing one of her latest favourites.

By the way, the motions she does with her hands when we're counting is something she picked up when Paul first introduced her to counting. He was showing her how to count the fingers on her hands but she somehow fixated on pointing to her palm. Ever since, that's been her counting motion.

Here's another video of Claire declaring her love for various family members. Dorian, if you're watching, you're Uncle Beefdip in case you didn't already know!


Rae said...

Omigosh, is she ever good with her hand motions! I love it when she wiggles her nose, she's so adorable. And it's so great to hear her little voice. Uncle Beefdip and the rest of your families must just melt when they hear her say "I do". I know I've said this a hundred times but I LOVE the videos, keep them coming!

Shea said...

Claire is totally in her element here. You can really see her personality in this video. I also love the Dora chair! It fits her perfectly.

Beth said...

We loved it! It is nice to see Claire in her own environment. Sometimes they are just wary other places and you don't see all sides of them. Not so with my "spirited" miss! I can't get enough of that first video. And who could resist those I dos:)
Love it

Kim said...

I can't believe how great she is doing..
Doesn't seem like all of that can come out of that pretty little Claire..
Claire is ADORABLE..

Gigglestuff said...

Yes, she is very smart remembering songs and hand movements. I especially liked her "Ice scream" song!!!