Monday, April 30, 2007

That's my girl

Just a few pics of Claire, taken in the last week:

Claire, browsing through a Birks catalogue. I may not have given birth to her, but she's definitely my daughter!

Claire started making this funny face almost a week ago.

Peeking into one of her toy boxes


Rae said...

Birks, huh? Claire obviously has good taste. So much for early retirement for you guys!
And I love the toothy new face!


Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

Hee-hee! Love that face! Too funny. I know I say this a lot, but I see such a change in Claire since China...such a "big girl" now, but then again it was almost three months ago. Can you believe it? They're all growing up right before our eyes. Sooo glad that we can see pictures and keep up to date with each other. Keep smilin' Claire!!


Shea said...

What a face! They do the funniest things, especially when they see our reactions.

I'm sure she was searching for a Mother's Day gift in the Birks catalogue. Right???

Gigglestuff said...

Awww, haha! Love the two bottom teeth! Great funny-face!!! And I LOVE the yellow dress and white dressshoes! So stylish!

Monica said...

Carolyn, I know what you mean! Claire was our little baby when we were in China but she has really blossomed into a toddler! Just goes to show what a lotta love can do!