Wednesday, August 22, 2007

This is the life!

We're having fall-like weather this week but at least today we had some beautiful sunshine. Although I feared a windy chill, Claire and I ventured outside for most of the afternoon. I enjoy every moment with Claire but some moments are pure magic. I can't explain why but this afternoon was like that. I guess it was just the right combination of opportunity, weather and the wonder of a child.


Kim said...

Love the pictures..
Wish is was cooler here..
It is 110...
And Humid..
take care

Rae said...

We're having fall weather here, too, and sure wish Isabella's mommy would send us some heat! It's been rainy and cool here for the past week and we're hoping to have some of Edmonton's sun soon.

But despite the wishes for warmer weather the days here are magical, too. It's amazing how much sunshine a child can bring into a person's world...

As always, we love the pictures of Claire!

Shea said...

I love those days where you can live in the moment, and your heart is full.

I love Claire's pigtails!