Wednesday, August 15, 2007

It's a jungle out there!

This year, our garden is a little overgrown with weeds, and I have to admit, I've already killed off all the annuals in our pots. Paul and I both love to garden, so what's up?

Claire-bear, that's what. For a couple of reasons. Reason # 1: Until just recently, she was putting everything in her mouth. Rocks, yep. Bark mulch, yep. I've been reluctant to take my eyes off her to pull even a few weeds. Pretty much gave me a heart-attack (did I mention I have a huge choking fear?) whenever I tried to get something done outside. And I usually spend her nap time showering, doing dishes, cleaning the house or blogging / keeping up with email; not much time for gardening there! Reason #2: Who wants to pick weeds when you can play outside with a cutie like Claire?

Anyway, Claire now seems past the stage of putting everything in her mouth. Yay! As a result, I finally had a chance to get some work done outside this week. Unfortunately, my time was pretty much spent on pulling the dead plants from our pots and putting the pots away. Oh well, there's always next summer!

Helping Mama with weeding.

Claire's not sure what to think about our jungle-like amaranthus.

You may notice I didn't take any wide shots of our yard - just close-ups of Claire around certain flowers. That's my strategy to remember only the good parts of the yard this year!


Beth said...

I'm so excited when new pics pop up! I soooo love that first shot. That Claire is always so stylin'. She must already have a subscription to a fashion mag! She looks so at home in all those plants. Thanks for the lovely shots.

Kim said...

Love your flowers ...
Very pretty...
Love Claire's little outfit in the first picture..
Have a Great Evening.

Rae said...

That's funny...we have the same dead plant phenomenon happening here. I blame it on the weather. ;-)

So far we've been lucky and Bryn's been good about not putting anything in her mouth she's not supposed to (knock wood). Maybe that's because she's always too busy eating!

I love Claire's new hat, she's always such a fashion statement!

Shea said...

That photo of Claire sitting on the bench is priceless! What a little lady.

It's funny how they're at the age where they want to do whatever we're doing. Monkey see, monkey do seems so accurate these days.

Kennedy and Jaida's mom said...

How cute is that picture with the hat on? Adorable. Monica, I don't think you need to go to do a wonderful job taking your own pictures!!

Kath said...

I love the kid sized bench! Claire looks adorable sitting there.

Our garden is overrun with weeds too. I'm using the excuse that we were away for all of July, but honestly, I didn't do much before we left or since we got back. I've been having too much fun playing with Maeve. She loves helping to water the plants, so some things are surviving the drought here.

Kim said...

Stop by I gave you an award..
Take care