Monday, March 24, 2008

Hoppy Easter!

We had a nice combination of relaxation and visits with friends and family over Easter. We stayed in town here rather than travelling back to see family but we were lucky to have my brother and his family visit for a night.

I'll do a few posts to capture several themes of our weekend. The photos in this post capture Claire leaving snacks for the Easter Bunny at night and then seeing in the morning what the Easter Bunny left for her.

We arranged some snacks for the Easter Bunny after Claire had her nighttime milk and snack.
Although Claire had had her milk and snacks already, it became apparent she wanted more:
And more! She ended up polishing off all of the Easter Bunny's milk and had bites from all of his cookies.
Well, it turns out the Easter Bunny didn't mind sharing his milk and snacks because he still gave Claire her treats!

This is Claire's "Mmmm, Mmmm, good" face. Our girl definitely loves chocolate!


Rae said...

It was nice of the Easter Bunny not to mind sharing his treats with Claire. :)

I love the "mmm, mmm, good" face!

Kim said...

What a Great Easter Bunny...
LOVE the pictures..