Friday, May 25, 2007

The perfect sweater for a chilly night

Tonight Paul is participating in the Canadian Cancer Society's Relay for Life, an overnight walk, with some of his colleagues and friends. Claire and I joined him for a couple of hours. The weather was great to start out with but soon turned windy and cold. Luckily, I had packed a very special, very warm sweater for Claire to wear. In one of my earliest posts, I posted a picture of this sweater from our good friend Christa. At long last, here is Claire actually wearing the sweater!


Beth said...

Wow, did she make it? It's absolutely lovely. The colours are great on Claire. Way to go Paul. Good luck.

Monica said...

Christa bought the sweater for me at the Northland Agricom Christmas craftfair. I love the purple on her too!

Paul arrived home at 7:30 a.m. and is sleeping right now. His turn to walk was from 3-4, and I'm sure he stayed up the whole night chatting and having a good time. I don't have an updated total on how much their team of 10 people raised but last I heard, it was in the ballpark of $4,500!

Rae said...

What a beautiful sweater. I remember seeing it in your earlier post and admiring it! And Claire looks so pretty and toasty warm in it.

And kudos to Paul for his part in the relay!

Shea said...

I remember that sweater because Caia has the same one in red. I bought hers at a craft fair too, but it won't fit her for a couple of years. It looks beautiful on Claire. What a great way to support Paul and the relay.