Sunday, December 03, 2006

Introducing Claire ...

We are thrilled to introduce our daughter, Claire Cai Wen Pauline. Her Chinese name is Yu Cai Wen, so we kept all but her surname as her middle names, and added Pauline as a middle name for our grandmothers (both Paulines!). We chose the name Claire before we even began the paperchase, and as it turns out, we think it suits her perfectly.

She was born on April 11, 2006 and is currently residing in the Xinyu Social Welfare Institute in Jiangxi Province.

We got the news about Claire over the phone on our way to Jasper Friday afternoon. We then had to wait a full two hours or so before we got to see her sweet face. It was Paul's birthday that day and he keeps saying it was the best birthday ever!

I'll post more details once the translation of her referral is done (probably on Monday).

We're so happy!


Karla said...

What a delight to read your news on the yahoo site today. I have been wondering about the "3" of you! She is truly beautiful and the wonder just keeps unfolding! Enjoyed your entire blog as I missed you and now I feel caught up.
Let me know if you need any infor or items as I am happy to help.
Karla and AnnaLeisa

M and M said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful!!