Kelley and Paul made this a super-easy trip for us. They borrowed a highchair, playpen, carseat and stroller so that Claire would be comfy and we could travel easily. I'm sure it was a lot of trouble for them but of course, they said it was no problem at all. Thanks Kelley and Paul!
Although our visit was a short one, there were so many highlights:
- Claire's instant smile each time Kelley asked if she'd like to dance;
- Claire and Addison, only months apart in age, playing alongside each other (especially because Addison's mommy and I have known each other since we were five, only four years older than our girls!);
- Claire sitting on Kelley's countertop "cooking" with us;
- Walking down memory lane on Facebook and having a good laugh about the old days;
- The two Pauls cooking amazing ribs and chicken for us, wearing funny aprons (pics of which are not appropriate to post here!);
- Playing "Ring around the Rosie" and our own version of "duck duck goose", and singing the Mini Wheat song with Claire (complete with arm-flapping);
- Laughing about the late-night injury Claire's daddy suffered while out walking the dog with Paul;
- Kelley's Paul playing the harmonica and their dog Kino singing (howling) along; and
- Claire's giggle fits on the flight home as we pretended my hair was a mustache for both her and I.
This trip reminded me yet again that conversation with old friends, no matter how much time has passed, is as easy and natural as if no time has passed at all since the last visit. Now that I'm a parent, I also love that our friends, both old and new, love Claire to bits. They love spending time with her as much as we do, and I'm grateful for their influences in her life.
Daria and Addison, Kelley and Claire
Paul playing the harmonica while Kino sings
New friends!